Guo Lin Qigong Association of Toronto

Parkway Forest 社區中心 / Parkway Forest Community Centre

Parkway Forest 社區中心位於北約克 Forest Manor Road 55 號 (雪柏路夾當妙路)。練功場地在二樓,健身/舞蹈室(Fitness/Dance Room)。
備註: 為了符合社區中心的要求,請攜帶一雙室內鞋(舞蹈鞋,跑步鞋,或襪子)來替換 。

Parkway Forest Community Centre is located at 55 Forest Manor Road, North York (Sheppard/Don Mills). We are in the 2nd Floor, Fitness/Dance Room.
P.S.: To comply with the Community Centre's requirement, please bring a pair of indoor shoes (dancing shoes, runners, or socks) to change from outdoor shoes.


  • Parkway Forest 社區中心的停車場工程現已完成及開放給公眾使用。

  • 不要停放你的汽車在公寓大樓的訪客停車位, 那是私人物業, 只有經授權的訪客才能泊車。


  • Construction for the community centre's parking lot is now complete and it is now open for public use.

  • Do NOT park in the apartment building's visitor parking spots. Those are in private property and are for authorized visitor parking only.

Please click the map below to view the parking areas.