Guo Lin Qigong Association of Toronto


Remarks: During any of our association's activities (e.g. practice gathering, luncheon party, etc.), operating other marketing or commercial businesses is prohibited.


All activities are for members only. Anyone who has learned or is currently learning Guo Lin Qigong is welcome to apply for our membership, subject to review and approval by our committee members.

To apply, please contact us via our online form.

If you would like to learn more about Guo Lin Qigong, you are welcome to visit us at any of the practice gatherings.


All members and visitors are required to sign a waiver before participating in any activities organized by the Association. Please read the waiver document below carefully, and get advice from your doctor and lawyer before signing.

GuoLin_Qigong_Association_Waiver 20111121.pdf GuoLin_Qigong_Association_Waiver 20111121.pdf
Size : 176.481 Kb
Type : pdf


Remarks: To comply with the Community Centre's requirement, please bring a pair of indoor shoes (dancing shoes, runners, or socks) to change from outdoor shoes.

  • Parkway Forest Community Centre
    -  Rental Permit: January 18, 2025 - December 31, 2025 | Every Saturday at 10:00 am-12:00 pm

    55 Forest Manor Road, North York (Sheppard and Don Mills), we are on the 2nd Floor, Multipurpose Room 2.
    (Click here to view details and map).

Schedule (For members only)

Friendly Reminder:

  • Indoor Practice Gathering: To comply with the Community Centres' requirement, please bring a pair of indoor shoes (dancing shoes, runners, or socks) to change from outdoor shoes.
  • Please note: If the weather forecasts the weather for next day is extremely poor (e.g.: rain storms, wind storms, snow storms, freezing rain, etc.), for the safety of members, we will cancel the indoor activity on that day. We will try our best to post the cancellation news on our website and will inform members by email as soon as possible. Even though you haven't received our email, you should, based on that day's weather condition and your safety, make your own decision on attending the class. (Sometimes it is impossible for us to post the news or inform members on time due to belated weather forecast or sudden weather changes on that day.)
  • If you have an infectious illness (such as covid, cold, flu, etc.), please be considerate and do not come to our activities until you are well OR wear a mask when you attend our activities - because majority of our members are cancer patients, their immune system is relatively poor and are more vulnerable to infectious diseases.
  • If you have epilepsy, serious heart problem or serious high blood pressure, please let Master Sun know as you may not be suitable to do some of the qigong movements.

March 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


10:00 a.m.-12:00pm
‘Up, Down, Open, Close’ Exercise
Fixed-Step-Walking Exercise
Head Massage Exercises

Parkway Forest Community Recreation Centre

3 4 5 6 7 8
10:00 a.m.-12:00pm
Slightly Faster Walking exercise
Medium Fast Walking Exercise
Head Massage Exercises

Parkway Forest Community Recreation Centre

14 15
10:00 a.m.-12:00pm
Natural Walking Exercise
Extra Fast Walking Exercise Slow Style
YongQuan Massage Exercise

Parkway Forest Community Recreation Centre

17 18 19 20
10:00 a.m.-12:00pm
Palm Rolling Rod Massage Exercise

Parkway Forest Community Recreation Centre

24 25 26 27 28 29
10:00 a.m.-12:00pm
One-Step-One-Tap Exercise
Two-Steps-One-Tap Exercise
Three-Steps-One-Tap Exercise
One-Step-Three-Taps Exercise

Parkway Forest Community Recreation Centre
